The Stray Sheep
A fictional night café
There aren’t enough night joints in Singapore catered to a quiet nocturnal lifestyle. The Stray Sheep, a fictional and conceptualised travelling night café, is the remedy to that. It is an escape from the hard-boiled reality of daytime. The name itself reflects on the solitary nature of night owls – the city is asleep while they are still awake.
In line with its tagline, “Home to the wanderers of the night”, The Stray Sheep is always in a perpetual search for places to call home, echoing the idea that home is an ever-changing concept that can be self-made, therefore, its location changes periodically. It is also an ambient pit stop that caters to nocturnal drifters seeking for the poignant quietude of an imagined home.

A unique set of deliverables is proposed to express The Stray Sheep and reinforce its personality as the unique café that it is.

The menu (mockup depicted below) is disguised as a pocket handbook for nocturnals. It features way-finding signs and methods using the solar entities. Click the image to view the menu in fullview.
Some of the proposed deliverables include—stationary set, café items and items unique to The Stray Sheep such as the lunar almanac, sunrise clock, silver badges, door hangers, taxi slips and a glow in the dark promotional poster.